Green Schools Initiative Receives "Golden Frog for Environmental Excellence"
San Francisco, CA (May 1, 2006) - The Green Schools Initiative is the proud recipient of a 2006 Golden Frog award from the E-Cards and GreenLeap business. Every Earth Day, E-Cards and GreenLeap reward outstanding environmental organizations with a portion of their revenues, as part of their efforts to "do well, by doing good."
As noted by CEO Robb Waterman in the award letter accompanying the 2006 "Froggie" and $1,000 donation, "We have been very impressed with Green Schools' mission and initial work in 'greening' our schools. Your four pillared approach to improving school environments and environmental education presents a clear and compelling vision for our children."
Deborah Moore, Executive Director of the Green Schools Initiative, said "we are thrilled with the recognition and will use the funds to support the development of our teacher training materials." "I am honored to be in the company of other Golden Frog winners that I hold in such high regard, like Center for New American Dream, Environmental Defense, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Grist magazine," noted Moore.
Thank you E-Cards and GreenLeap! Send an E-Card today and help save valuable paper and forest resources!
Read the full story about the Golden Frog Awards