Action Alerts
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Support important green schools and healthy kids by signing a petition, sending an email, or making a call to a decision maker about crucial issues like toxics, energy, and other issues relating to schools and sustainability.
Speak Up for Clean Air!
We received this important Action Alert from MomsRising and hope you'll take action and post the link on your Facebook page. On March 19th MomsRising will host an Internet radio discussion with Lisa Jackson, the first African-American to lead the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to discuss how families across the country can work together for clean air. MomsRising wants you to share your thoughts with Administrator Jackson.
Tell Your Senators To Support Environmental Education
It's a first! The National Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) reauthorization bill now working its way through Congress contains first-ever provisions to support and fund environmental education (EE). The legislation is likely to go the Senate floor in the coming weeks. Contact your senators to support EE!
Improving School Food: Do It Now or Pay the Price Later
On May 30, the Republican-controlled House Appropriations Committee voted to cripple the nation’s budding effort to do something about the woeful quality of school food and make America’s kids healthier.