Latest News
Keep up with the latest happenings in the green schools arena. Check this page often for updates on green schools issues, as well as the impact Green Schools Initiative is having.
EPA Offers First-Ever School Siting Guidelines
To help protect the health and safety of American schoolchildren and school staff, the EPA has released the nation’s first-ever school siting guidelines to help communities evaluate environmental and public health factors when choosing new sites for schools.
Schools of the Future Report Promotes Sustainable CA Schools
California State Schools Superintendent Tom Torlakson has announced the release of the Schools of the Future Report, which recommends sweeping energy efficiency improvements for schools and establishing a Green Schools Award. Green Schools Initiative's Deborah Moore was on the Schools of the Future Task Force.
New EPA Site for Students Offers Lesson Plans for Teachers, Too
The EPA has launched a new student’s website called, ""It's Your Environment." K-12 students will find games, homework reference resources, awards, events and contests. Parents and teachers can also find resources and lesson plans.
Energy Efficiency Dashboard Wins Award
For the 2nd year in a row, QA Graphics’ Energy Efficiency Education Dashboard was named the best Energy Conservation product by Environmental Design + Construction and Sustainable Facility magazines’ annual Readers Choice Awards.
Beyond the Bake Sale...New Solar Fundraising for Schools
Sungevity, a Diamond-certified solar installer based in Oakland, California, is partnering with public and independent schools in California, Arizona and Colorado to raise money for schools while helping school communities go solar.
National Healthy Schools Day Helps Clear the Air - And You Can, Too!
Today we celebrate healthy and green indoor school environments on the 10th anniversary of National Healthy Schools Day. And the air needs clearing: the EPA has estimated that half of all U.S. schools have indoor air problems. Your school can take these simple low-cost or free steps to improve indoor air at school.
State Green School Programs and Networks Offer Help and Recognition
Cities, states, even the federal government are powering up the green schools movement. A dozen different states now have green schools recognition programs or green schools networks providing lots of resources to help schools go green.
Update: Green Dream Contest Winners Make Haste to Reduce Waste
The winners of our Green Dream Contest -- King Chavez Academy in San Diego and Berkeley High School -- have made exciting progress in just a few months. Berkeley High School’s Green Team undertook a school-wide garbage audit as one of its first actions towards reducing its waste. King Chavez Preparatory Academy is taking their waste reduction efforts to the next level, recycling more types of materials.
Schools of the Future Task Force Delivers Policy Recommendations
State Superintendent Tom Torlakson asked his Schools of the Future task force to make recommendations on innovative ways to create California schools that not only enhance achievement of all students, but are also centers of the community, and models of sustainability and efficiency. The task force has released its policy recommendations, and the future looks bright.
New National Green Schools Action Plan
for Local Leaders
On May 13, three influential organizations released an important report, "Local Leaders in Sustainability: A Special Report from Sundance," that could have a big impact. The report offers an action plan for how local governments can accelerate the greening of America's schools for all the nation's children.
Green Star Schools Program Pilot Meets with Success at Rosa Parks School
The "Green Star Schools" program has been running a pilot project to test green school certification and recognition at the Rosa Parks School in Berkeley. Read about the impact and success of "Green Star Schools" so far. Also: An interview with Deborah Moore about the Green Star Schools program.
Green Ribbon Schools Program Launched by U.S. Department of Education
"Green Ribbon Schools", a new program from the U.S. Department of Education, was announced Tuesday (April, 2011). It will celebrate schools that have made significant strides in greening, from curriculum to facilities to operations. The Green Schools Initiative has been piloting a similar program, "Green Star Schools" with great success at Rosa Parks School in Berkeley, California.
Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District Selects Green Cleaning Chemicals
Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District is switching to green cleaning procedures and green cleaners for use in classrooms and district facilities. With a grant from the State of California Department of Health, the District will receive training for custodial, facilities and purchasing staff on the hazards of conventional cleaners, and how to select and purchase safer, more environmentally preferable cleaners.
2011 Local Hero Award Goes to Green Schools Initiative's Deborah Moore
Local heroes like YOU and Deborah Moore are making a difference in the Bay Area. Green Schools Initiative's Executive Director, Deborah Moore is winning a Jefferson Award for Public Service from the Bay Area's KCBS Channel 5.
Watch the short news clip!
Exotic Bali Green School Shows the Way
About 18 months ago, I was reviewing our email listserve and Facebook fans and noticed we had someone in Bali, Indonesia from something called the Green School. I checked out their website and was intrigued by the new school they were building – completely out of bamboo – and the sustainability curriculum they were using as the foundation of their approach to learning.
GSI's Deborah Moore Wins 2010 Green Pioneer Award
The Green California Schools Summit honored Green Schools Initiative's Deborah Moore with its 2010 Pioneer Leadership Award in recognition of "the significant inroads she has made in promoting green culture in schools."
AACTE Launches Special Study Group on Education for Sustainability
Education faculty from around the country are launching a new Education for Sustainability Special Study Group (EFS SSG) within the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE). The SSG will provide a forum for teacher educators interested in integrating sustainability into the pre-service and on-going professional development of PreK-12 teachers.
Green School Construction: Full Steam Ahead!
Who knew that schools account for 27 percent of the U.S. construction market? With so much school construction, there's a huge opportunity to create healthy, resource-efficient learning environments for America's future. Discover how the San Bernardino, CA and Washington, DC school districts are doing just that.
U.S. Mayors Get Behind Green Schools
In response to the 2007 US Conference of Mayors resolution calling for "green schools for all children within a generation," U.S. Mayors seek to make green, healthy schools a national priority, starting with coordinated local efforts.
Air Pollution from Traffic Near Schools Associated with Asthma Onset
Air pollution from traffic near schools has been found to be associated with the onset of asthma in children. This story comes to us from Environmental Health News.
Ladies Home Journal Spotlights "America's Most Amazing Schools"
And now the good news we're all longing to hear about innovative educators and the cutting edge strategies they're implementing in schools across the U.S. Read on to find out how many American schools are getting it right.
GSI Executive Director Deborah Moore's Greening Work Featured in Womenetics
Deborah Moore was recently featured in an article in Womenetics, a website that "connects and inspires women in their personal and professional lives." "Helping Our Schools Go Green," by Corinne Garcia chronicles Deborah's beginnings in the green schools movement, and offers suggestions for getting started on school greening.
Toxins in Drinking Water and Air at CA Schools
October 7th, 2009
October 7th, 2009
The toxin acrolein has been found in the air surrounding 4 California schools, and unsafe levels of lead, pesticides and dozens of other toxins have been found in the drinking water at thousands of schools in all 50 states.
Growing Greener Schools Video
Why do we need green schools? Watch this 2-minute video and you'll be inspired.
States Rack Up Green Cleaning Successes
More than a dozen states have passed bills requiring green cleaning in schools in the last couple of years. Momentum is growing, as about a half dozen other states caught on in 2009-10, introducing legislation for green cleaning in schools.
A Healthy Schools Celebration
May 6th, 2010
May 6th, 2010
The 2010 National Healthy Schools Day engendered 10 national and 45 state and local events around the country. "Keeping children healthy in school and ready to learn is the most important thing parents, schools and industry can do to brighten their future and revitalize the state's economy," said Assemblywoman Julia Brownley.
Obama Administration Takes Historic Steps for Sustainability Education
February 11th, 2010
February 11th, 2010
The Obama administration has taken an historic step toward environmental sustainability: for the first time ever, the President's 2011 budget has called out as a priority promoting healthy schools for all children and integrating environmental literacy into U.S. Department of Education programs.
Green Schools and Safe Routes to School: They're for Everyone!
Two recent articles in the New York Times highlight the benefits of students walking to school -- in Italy and beyond; and how integrating greening into the curriculum can build civic-minded students, and perhaps even help safeguard public health.
The Climate Change Front: Of Summits and Curricula
Don't wait for someone else to take the next steps after the Copenhagen Climate Conference summit -- you and your students can begin making a difference today. Read our brief report on climate talks from another summit -- The California Green Schools Summit -- and use these excellent climate curricula and resources.
Critical Connections: How Student Health Impacts Achievement
December 3rd, 2009
December 3rd, 2009
Advocates and lawmakers are focusing on dangerous conditions in schools, poor student health, and their impact on student achievement.
The Toxic Truth about School Cleaning Supplies
November 2nd, 2009
November 2nd, 2009
How ordinary school cleaning supplies could be contributing to
childhood asthma and cancer – and what you can do about it.
Solar Next Year? Yes You Can!
September 9th, 2009
September 9th, 2009
Your cash-strapped school may be able to "go solar" at little to no cost! We bring you this tantalizing, money-saving prospect from KyotoUSA, which is driving a lot of positive change on rooftops of California schools.
kidEarth: Kids Around the World Sing to Save the Earth
August 14th, 2009
August 14th, 2009
A 12-year-old Palo Alto boy is taking global warming matters into his own hands. He has written "100 Generations," an environmental song, and he hopes kids from around the world will join in the chorus. Children from Africa, North and South America, Asia and Europe have already joined in. We hope you’ll listen and spread the word!
Tips for Environmentally Friendly Schools from the San Diego Tribune
July 20th, 2009
July 20th, 2009
In school, the three R's no longer refer just to reading, writing and arithmetic. Increasingly, it is also applies to reduce, reuse and recycle. Interested in helping your kids' school become more environmentally friendly? Check out these tips from Deborah Moore, founder and executive director of the Green Schools Initiative.
Groups call for including schools in California's AB32 climate change plans
November 17th, 2015
November 17th, 2015
28 organizations representing more than 1.6 million parents, students, and education interests urge California to invest in greenhouse gas reduction projects at K-12 schools
Jack Johnson Helps Us Build
A Greener World
In addition to making great music, Jack Johnson wants to change the world. Green Schools Initiative is teaming up with the Johnson Ohana Foundation and All At Once, to help reduce plastics.
Donate today and Jack will match your gift! GSI will also be featured at his concert at The Greek Theater in Berkeley.
Help us win $20,000 via Sungevity
VOTE today!
November 11th, 2013
November 11th, 2013
We are competing thru Sungevity Gives Back, a contest focused on Generating Positive in the world. It’s simple, just VOTE for us today and we'll inspire more kids to go green.
Nature's Voices
The Nature's Voices Project is a new effort from Green Schools Initiative to collect and share stories from youth who have been inspired by environmental education programs. Enter a story into our 2nd Annual Nature's Voices Story Contest and win a cash prize and a trip to be a keynote speaker at the Green Schools National Conference in March 2015. Submit a story by January 16!
Green Ribbon Schools 2013: 78 inspiring schools and districts lead the way to a sustainable future
April 22nd, 2013
April 22nd, 2013
Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, announced the second annual U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon School Award winners on Earth Day. 78 schools and districts were honored for their exemplary efforts to reduce environmental impact and utility costs, promote better health, and ensure effective environmental education, including civics and green career pathways.
California 2013 Green Ribbon Nominees Announced
February 15th, 2013
February 15th, 2013
State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson nominates four "green schools" and one district to represent California in the second annual national Green Ribbon Schools Award Program. Read about the inspiring nominees.
Towards Healthy Schools 2015: New Report from Coalition for Healthy Schools
February 15th, 2013
February 15th, 2013
Read about the benefits of healthy indoor environments for student attendance and achievement. Also review data for your state about the quality of school buildings, asthma rates, and more. Take action and sign a letter to Congress to restore funding for EPA Healthy Schools programs.
A Chat with Sarah Delaney, San Francisco Unified's Ecoliteracy Specialist
January 30th, 2013
January 30th, 2013
Intern Clara MacLeod interviewed Sarah Delaney, SFUSD's ecoliteracy content specialist, about how the district is forging ahead with outdoor education, professional development, field trips, and the connections to broader green school initiatives.
Clovis Unified turns to solar project for energy savings
Clovis Unified School District is installing solar panels that will eventually generate ~5.86 megawatts of electricity, lowering its $7 million annual electric bills by $2.3 million, and freeing up money for instructional programs. Read the Fresno Bee article.
Green Schools Progress in 2012
In 2012, Green Schools Initiative helped more schools "go green" and worked to promote policies and programs at the state and national level that will accelerate the transformation of K-12 schools into healthy, sustainable learning environments that engage kids in hands-on learning about the world around them.
Ready, Set, Apply! for the Green Ribbon Schools Award
CALIFORNIA APPLICATION now available: Apply for the U.S. Dept of Education's Green Ribbon Schools Award! Apply through your state education agency. Get the recognition you deserve!
ASEAN Student Exchange
November 30th, 2012
November 30th, 2012
In November 2012, 18 students and 4 teachers from Southeast Asia participating in the "LEADING GREEN" Exchange program toured the Brower Center and listened to a Green Schools Initiative presentation by Executive Director, Deborah Moore. They were supported by the U.S. State Department to visit and learn about green schools and sustainable communities.
Blueprint for Environmental Literacy Task Force for California announced by Superintendent Torlakson
State Superintendent for Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announces the formation of a new Task Force to develop a plan to promote environmental literacy for all California students and seeks to broadly engage educators and the public to contribute.
Earth Day 2012 at Prospect Sierra School: Learning about the Earth and the Universe Inspire AWE
May 18th, 2012
May 18th, 2012
The theme for Prospect Sierra School’s Earth Day on 2012 was “Awe.” Twenty inspiring parents, teachers, and community members led workshops and assemblies designed to cultivate the emotion of “awe” while teaching about our planet and universe. Three weeks later, faculty and students are still talking about it. By all accounts, everyone at the school was awe-struck!
Health Effects of Cell Phones and Cell Phone Towers:
Ongoing Debate and Common Sense Precautions
by Clara MacLeod, high school intern
by Clara MacLeod, high school intern
Many parents and school staff with questions and concerns regarding potential health hazards of children's cell phone usage have contacted Green Schools Initiative. So, we are sharing this review and summary on the current state of knowledge, scientific uncertainty, and common sense precautions.
Arne Duncan announces 78 Green Ribbon School winners
The federal Department of Education announced its first Green Ribbon School award winners, honoring 78 schools that are exemplary in reducing environmental impacts, creating healthy learning environments, and teaching environmental literacy.
California Green Ribbon Schools Nominees Announced
March 23rd, 2012
March 23rd, 2012
State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson nominates four "green schools" to
represent California in the new national Green Ribbon Schools Award Program.
NEW! California Resources for Reducing Asthma in Schools
New "Asthma Quick Takes" short videos help you reduce and manage asthma at your school, with simple ways to improve indoor air quality. Asthma absences cost CA schools over $30 million in revenue each year, and more than 13% of students suffer.
The Green Schools Movement Comes of Age!
March 13th, 2012
March 13th, 2012
Skeptics warned that "green schools would have to come at the expense of reading and math, of repairing broken-down schools, and offering arts and sports, [but] the green schools movement is not a zero-sum game. It's really a win-win game..." –Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education, February 28, 2012
Announcing "Greening America's Schools"
Paul Chapman, former Head of School at Head Royce School in Oakland, is a close partner of ours, and we are excited to announce the publication of his book. In "Greening America's Schools," he explores how green schools can result in the "triple bottom line": money saved, better student achievement, and improved health.
CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta Spotlights Toxic Air in Schools
As many as one third of our public schools may have air quality that can cause respiratory problems in children. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta visits schools and families, discussing the health impacts of poor indoor air quality that plagues public schools attended by 14 million American children daily.
Our 2011 Contest Winners Dare to Dream in Green!
November 8th, 2011
November 8th, 2011
Congratulations to the Green Teams of Creative Arts Charter School of San Francisco and Valley Oak Elementary of Fresno, 2011 winners of the "What's Your Green Dream School?" Contest! We were inspired by their goals and think you will be too!
Winners! "What's Your Green Dream School?" Contest
Congratulations to the Green Teams of Berkeley High School of Berkeley and King Chavez Preparatory Academy of San Diego! The "What's Your Green Dream School?" Contest is awarding $500 to each school's Green Team. Read about their goals and accomplishments to date.