News : Displaying 51-57 of 57
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NEW! California Resources for Reducing Asthma in Schools
New "Asthma Quick Takes" short videos help you reduce and manage asthma at your school, with simple ways to improve indoor air quality. Asthma absences cost CA schools over $30 million in revenue each year, and more than 13% of students suffer.
The Green Schools Movement Comes of Age!
March 13th, 2012
March 13th, 2012
Skeptics warned that "green schools would have to come at the expense of reading and math, of repairing broken-down schools, and offering arts and sports, [but] the green schools movement is not a zero-sum game. It's really a win-win game..." –Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education, February 28, 2012
Announcing "Greening America's Schools"
Paul Chapman, former Head of School at Head Royce School in Oakland, is a close partner of ours, and we are excited to announce the publication of his book. In "Greening America's Schools," he explores how green schools can result in the "triple bottom line": money saved, better student achievement, and improved health.
CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta Spotlights Toxic Air in Schools
As many as one third of our public schools may have air quality that can cause respiratory problems in children. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta visits schools and families, discussing the health impacts of poor indoor air quality that plagues public schools attended by 14 million American children daily.
Our 2011 Contest Winners Dare to Dream in Green!
November 8th, 2011
November 8th, 2011
Congratulations to the Green Teams of Creative Arts Charter School of San Francisco and Valley Oak Elementary of Fresno, 2011 winners of the "What's Your Green Dream School?" Contest! We were inspired by their goals and think you will be too!
Winners! "What's Your Green Dream School?" Contest
Congratulations to the Green Teams of Berkeley High School of Berkeley and King Chavez Preparatory Academy of San Diego! The "What's Your Green Dream School?" Contest is awarding $500 to each school's Green Team. Read about their goals and accomplishments to date.